1955 was the year that saw the opening of Disneyland, the beginning of McDonalds, and when Doc Brown had to rescue Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Also, it’s my birth year. So, let’s go back seventy ...
Pop quiz! Who’s eight feet tall and speaks French like one of the Three Musketeers? If you answered “Frankenstein’s Monster,” you must have read Mary Shelley’s book. Good for you! (And if you haven’t read the original book ...
In June of 2024, it will have been fifty years since I began a summer job making monster masks at Don Post Studios. That turned into a very long “summer!” A whole lot of monsters and a whole ...
Back when I was painting monsters in various effects shops, one of the conversation topics was “What genre movies came out the year you were born?” Since I was often lucky enough to be sitting next to my ...
This is the killer sequel article to the shocking original! When HorrorFam.com guru Lauren Spear asked me to think about first sequels that surpassed the original movies, my list was pretty short. That just doesn’t happen too often. ...
This is a topic that is so profound, so timely, I felt I had to chime in. Lauren’s list is great, impressive. She’s recognized some horror headgear I wouldn’t have thought of. But there’s more. Let’s not forget… ...
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