Scott Thomas, acclaimed author of Kill Creek and Violet, returns with a gripping new collection titled Midwestern Gothic. This compilation of four novellas was released back in September, offering readers a fresh perspective on regional horror that delves ...
I get a ton of emails about exciting upcoming horror projects and, while I’m unable to showcase them all individually, I’m absolutely thrilled to share them ROUND-UP STYLE! So, without further ado, here are the new & upcoming ...
The “world’s most flammable author,” and the Wonderland Award winning author of I Will Rot Without You, Puppet Skin, and Moonfellows, is back with another tale! In Starlet by Danger Slater, we’re presented with a surreal and gripping ...
We all know there’s almost nothing more satisfying than a horror movie marathon. Whether you’re alone or with friends, horror movies give an immediate, visceral thrill. However, horror books provide their own unique (or should I say “novel?”) ...
Get to know the man behind AJ’s Horror Reads on AJ Spencer! It’s a great time as he and host Lauren Spear chat about growing up with horror in the ’90s (Goosebumps via the Scholastic Book Fair, ...
I get a ton of emails about exciting upcoming indie horror projects and, while I’m unable to showcase them all individually, I’m absolutely thrilled to share them ROUND-UP STYLE! So, without further ado, here are the new & ...
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