My general rule for physical fitness is, “If your chonk gets in the way of your breathing or HURTS in any way, then (safely) trim down until it doesn’t; but, otherwise, you do you.” Aesthetically, as long as ...
Welcome back! Last week, I shared 13 horror movies set on Halloween with the promise I’d be back today with even MORE Halloween horror movies for you to choose from. Twenty, to be exact! Once again, in order ...
This list has been a long time coming! The thing we get asked for the most are horror movies that are okay for kids/tweens to watch. We’ve come through with “20 Kid/Tween-Friendly Horror Flicks” followed by “35+ MORE ...
Before I share 10 of the most memorable (to me, at least!) improvised weapons in horror movies, I wanted to quickly outline what I consider an “improvised weapon” to be, so we’re on the same page: First, it’s ...
For Mother’s Day, we looked at Dee Wallace — the Ultimate horror movie mom. For Father’s Day, rather than doing a deep-dive into one real person, we decided it’d be fun to look at over a dozen fictional ...
As a general rule, I’m not squeamish about gore and many kill scenes are forgotten as quickly as they occur! However, horror movie food scenes get kneaded deep into my brain and bake there for decades. Maybe it’s ...
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