1955 was the year that saw the opening of Disneyland, the beginning of McDonalds, and when Doc Brown had to rescue Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Also, it’s my birth year. So, let’s go back seventy ...
As a lifelong horror fan, I’ve spent a lot of my time enjoying spine-tingling stories, movies, games, and novels. I remember playing Friday the 13th for the Nintendo when I was barely four. I wasn’t good at it ...
I turned 40 this year, but I’m not the only one — these 1985 horror movies also hit the Big Four-Oh in 2025! I realized last year when we were writing big birthday/anniversary lists of horror films that ...
A good kill goes hand-in-hand with a good horror movie. Horror movie kill scenes can provoke, or be funny. They can push ideas about race or class, as well as be genuinely disturbing. I defy anyone to watch ...
It’s hard to believe, but 2024 is coming to a close! Where did the time go? With just a few weeks left, we thought it would be fun to look at some of the best horror movies of ...
My general rule for physical fitness is, “If your chonk gets in the way of your breathing or HURTS in any way, then (safely) trim down until it doesn’t; but, otherwise, you do you.” Aesthetically, as long as ...
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