1955 was the year that saw the opening of Disneyland, the beginning of McDonalds, and when Doc Brown had to rescue Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Also, it’s my birth year. So, let’s go back seventy ...
It’s almost time for the Harvest Moon AKA the Corn Moon to rise again! Which means you’re probably in the mood to watch some cornfield horror films again! If you’ve already watched all 13 horror movies with significant ...
As the vicious dog days of summer continue on here in the Northern Hemisphere, we thought you might enjoy some dog horror movies to distract you from the hellish heat, the terrifying thunderstorms, the deadly droughts, and – ...
Mothers have been on my mind a lot this month because not only does Mother’s Day happen in May, but so does my own mom’s birthday! Plus, the horror genre has a lot of mom-centric content — from ...
This week, I’m writing about underground horror films. And I’m not using “underground” as a term to describe obscure indie horror films — I mean it literally. All of these films focus on horrors in subterranean locations for ...
Let’s take it easy on our brains today. This post is going to be me saying, “Just LOOK at how cool these 1980’s horror movie monsters are!!” and then you’ll look at the photos I show you and ...
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