Welcome to Volume 2 of Izzy’s Indie Eeries! Last month, we talked about A&P Productions’ bloody and babe-tastic Murdercise (2023). To honor the holiday season, I decided to check out the new anthology horror flick, I Slay On ...
Todays reading recommendation is a horror anthology fully worthy of your time. Symposium of the Reaper was my introduction to author Andrew Adams and, at the time of this writing, he’s already released a second volume that you’ll ...
Word is that Weird Fiction is a low-budget film, and not in the sense that you’d think. Supposedly, this film was made with a paltry budget of only $300! How is that possible? Well, when you see Weird ...
Ryan Murphy and Grace Murphy (no relation!) join Lauren Spear on the HorrorFam.com Podcast to discuss their IGTV horror anthology series Welcome to the Horror Show! ...
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by the folks behind Return to Horror Hotel asking if I could review their indie horror anthology film. I agreed but warned them that — for better or worse — I’d ...
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