Adam Page shares 10 horror movie kill scenes that transcended the Horror Community and made their way into human culture at large. Warning: SPOILERS AHEAD!
8 Horror Movie Gym Death Scenes to Justify Skipping Your Workout
Lauren Spear has gathered together 8 significant workout-related gym death scenes from horror movies for you to point to and say, “See? THAT could be ME if I go!!” the next time you need to justify taking a Rest Day. You’re welcome.
Podcast Episode 25: Timi Brennan / ALTERN84M, Indie Filmmaker & Pro Beetlejuice! (VIDEO w/ Full Transcript)
Timi Brennan was a Beetlejuice fan who tried his hand at cosplaying and suddenly found himself with a side gig he’d never imagined! He’s also a YouTuber known as ALTERN84M – sharing his thoughts on horror films new & old!
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