For Mother’s Day, we looked at Dee Wallace — the Ultimate horror movie mom. For Father’s Day, rather than doing a deep-dive into one real person, we decided it’d be fun to look at over a dozen fictional ...
When you think of the full moon, what comes to mind? Werewolves, perhaps? Understandable. But what about …corn? September’s full moon is commonly known as the Harvest Moon, but it also has another nickname: The Corn Moon. To ...
The other day, I walked into a coffee shop and, to my shock and terror, was greeted by a resounding “Happy Holidays!” by the beaming barista. Worse, “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” by Band Aid blared in the ...
Do you have a friend who loves to go to every horror film the day it comes out? Is Halloween the only holiday of the year that matters for your best pal? The next time you’re thinking about ...
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