Let’s take it easy on our brains today. This post is going to be me saying, “Just LOOK at how cool these 1980’s horror movie monsters are!!” and then you’ll look at the photos I show you and ...
Today (August 11, 2023) marks the 60th anniversary of Matango! Brought to you by Ishirō Honda (director of Godzilla and other beloved faves!), this truly unique Japanese horror film didn’t come to the United States until 1965, two ...
I was recently approached by NFFTY (National Film Festival for Talented Youth) and asked if I’d be interested in watching and writing about the short horror films they’re showcasing in their 2023 festival. Of course I would!! I ...
“Don’t stop moving and never ever let the candle burn out”The opening quote from Flicker Are you looking for a quick read that guarantees to have you sleeping with the lights on? Then look no further than Flicker. ...
Horror special FX artist Rob Tharp shares his memories (and his exclusive photos!) from his time spent working on effects for Mark Lester’s Class of 1999 — the sequel to Class of 1984 (shown on season 3 of ...
Horror illustrator Heather Landry AKA Sandpaperdaisy is officially a horror-fantasy novelist! Heather debuted her first novel, The Cradle of the Worm, as a HorrorFam.com FREEBIE on April 13th, 2020. Now, four days later, she joins Lauren Spear to ...
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