I get a ton of emails about exciting upcoming horror projects and, while I’m unable to showcase them all individually, I’m absolutely thrilled to share them ROUND-UP STYLE! So, without further ado, here are the new & upcoming ...
“If you want to kill a vampire, use a wooden stake. But if you want to catch it, then use a BLOOD BAIT.” So goes the tagline of Blood Bait, a short horror film about vampires, an obsessed ...
I was recently approached by NFFTY (National Film Festival for Talented Youth) and asked if I’d be interested in watching and writing about the short horror films they’re showcasing in their 2023 festival. Of course I would!! I ...
MutantFam.com’s founder, Frank, joined HorrorFam.com’s Lauren Spear to share the FUTURE of (horror) event coordination! Frank gave us a behind-the-scenes look into how the Friday the 13th event with Joe Bob Briggs and Diana Price came to be, ...
Renaissance man Wayne Clingman joins HorrorFam.com’s Lauren Spear to share his love for horror, sci-fi, Wisconsin history, stray cats, and indie filmmaking. Wayne has not one but TWO upcoming film festivals happening in Manitowoc, WI (links below) and ...
Hey, Everyone! I’m sorry HorrorFam.com hasn’t updated in a while. I was working at a (beyond) full-time job and then I had to take care of a health issue. December and January got away from me… But, I ...
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