When I was a youngster, on one of many family trips to the Ackermansion, Forrest J Ackerman asked me, “Lauren, what’s your favorite thing in my house?” Without blinking an eye, I responded: “You.” My response remained true ...
Horror illustrator Heather Landry AKA Sandpaperdaisy is officially a horror-fantasy novelist! Heather debuted her first novel, The Cradle of the Worm, as a HorrorFam.com FREEBIE on April 13th, 2020. Now, four days later, she joins Lauren Spear to ...
Hey there! We’ll go back to our usual content on Friday, but… If you don’t follow us on social media (or make a habit of closely inspecting HorrorFam.com’s website menu bar), you may have missed this: We have ...
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