As horror fans, we all know — or at least know of — the classic Universal monsters. Their legacy began in the silent era with The Phantom of the Opera (1925) and spanned decades, spawning numerous sequels and ...
On October 31, 2020, there will be a full moon. It’s a Saturday. And we’ll also gain an extra hour of this spooky night thanks to Daylight Savings Time ending. This is quite possibly the best, the most ...
When I was a youngster, on one of many family trips to the Ackermansion, Forrest J Ackerman asked me, “Lauren, what’s your favorite thing in my house?” Without blinking an eye, I responded: “You.” My response remained true ...
During my first appearance on the Voices of Misery podcast, I stated that “horror movies are cathartic.” But, are they really…? For my father, my husband, and myself, the answer is a resounding “yes.” This month was a ...
It’s that magical time of year, dear ghouls and ghoulettes! A time for haunted houses, horror movies, and mass murder. Well, um, at least movies about mass murder… Halloween is just around the corner and every year, as I ...
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