WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE X. After watching X in the theater this past year, I was overjoyed. Not only had one of my favorite horror directors, Ti West, returned to the big screen, but ...
When Conjuring the Beyond, a 2022 horror movie about a sleep paralysis study gone awry (out on iTunes/Amazon Prime Video/Google Play/Xbox/Vudu TODAY, September 13th!!) showed up in my inbox, I knew I had to be the one to ...
“Don’t stop moving and never ever let the candle burn out”The opening quote from Flicker Are you looking for a quick read that guarantees to have you sleeping with the lights on? Then look no further than Flicker. ...
I’m a “scaredy-cat” — an “unduly fearful person,” a worrywart, an anxiety-ridden jittery jumpy mess of a human being. And yet I absolutely love horror and am the proud owner/creator of HorrorFam.com! What’s up with that? And why ...
When I was a youngster, on one of many family trips to the Ackermansion, Forrest J Ackerman asked me, “Lauren, what’s your favorite thing in my house?” Without blinking an eye, I responded: “You.” My response remained true ...
During my first appearance on the Voices of Misery podcast, I stated that “horror movies are cathartic.” But, are they really…? For my father, my husband, and myself, the answer is a resounding “yes.” This month was a ...
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