I’ve been a fan of Adam Green’s for a long time and so, by association, I’ve also been a fan of Joe Lynch’s for a long time! The real-life BFF’s worked on multiple projects together (and still collaborate, ...
Hi everyone! Frank here and I want to talk about horror movie sequels. Lauren and Rob already did an excellent job talking about sequels they like (here and here), but they left out some of my personal favorites. ...
This is the killer sequel article to the shocking original! When HorrorFam.com guru Lauren Spear asked me to think about first sequels that surpassed the original movies, my list was pretty short. That just doesn’t happen too often. ...
Welcome to Izzy’s Eerie Indies! Every month, I will highlight the stylings of a different independent filmmaker working in the horror genre. Rather than look at their entire filmography, I will pick one movie that provides insight into ...
The dreaded sequel!! All too often, successful horror films will be followed by a Part Two (or Three, or Six, or Ten) and, sadly, the sequels we’re given are often terrible. Some horror movie sequels are SO BAD ...
Back in 2020, Christi Bandy composed a wonderful list of 20 horror movies for tweens and kids. Since then, we’ve had more requests for a follow-up to that particular article than any other post! Twenty horror films just ...
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