FREE! Over 70 pages of tasty recipes from your horror family!
Eat your way through 2020. Share your food pics and tag @LoveHorrorFam (on Twitter and/or Instagram) if you cook any of the recipes from our Quarantine Cookbook!
Click the cover to download the free PDF! Tell your friends. Spread the love and tasty meals!

Download the Quarantine Cookbook PDF!
A Message from Lauren Spear:
Lauren Spear here! I don’t know about you but, before the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting quarantine/lockdown, I rarely cooked at home. I knew a few simple dessert recipes, but mostly left the cooking up to my husband (Frank Spear) or my mom (Cathy Tharp) and ate out or microwaved leftovers the rest of the time. Easy-peasy. Done deal.
Then… the virus.
Suddenly, we were quarantined. Eating out was no longer an option. Annnnnnnd our microwave busted. We had no choice but to cook ALL of our meals at home, from scratch.
There are four of us living here — my mom, my dad, my husband, and myself — and I didn’t want to be the only one of us NOT doing my part in the kitchen. Previously, I’d purchase restaurant food when my “turn” for providing dinner came around. But now? I had no choice but to cook.
I felt pretty lost at first. Frank and my mom have always been super creative in the kitchen (consistently preparing food that tastes AND looks amazing). Even my dad had a few go-to tasty meal recipes under his belt. Meanwhile, if I served up something that could be described as “edible,” I was doing well for myself. Oof.
Fortunately, that changed rather quickly and I started creating meals my family found extremely tasty. Whenever that happened, I wrote down what I did so I could repeat my success.
Then, I decided I wanted to “feed” my Horror Family as well — by giving y’all recipes you could utilize to create tasty meals while sheltering-in-place! I wanted to make sure you didn’t have to feel as lost/confused in the kitchen as I did.
But my personal kitchen successes were far too few. So, I asked Frank, my mom, and my dad for their recipes as well. And then I reached out to’s readers/listeners/followers for even MORE recipes!
And that’s how the Quarantine Cookbook was born. Hope it serves you well.