FREE: “Are Horror Movies Good for You?” Infographic (based on this article/research). Not the freebie you meant to click on? Want MORE freebies? Head back to the FREE STUFF page!

Right-click and save the image above! Or, you can click here to go to the page for the .PNG file… and then right-click and save that. Up to you!
The actual research is pretty fascinating, but not everyone has time to read an entire blog post. lol. So much easier (and prettier!) to have a condensed purple/black graphic to get to the ultimate point of “It’s totally okay to like what you like! It’s okay if other people don’t! Let’s all just be happy and love what we love! LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS!!” ♥
Anyway, if anyone gives you guff about loving horror movies and says they’re “bad” for you, feel free to show them this. 😉