Before I share 10 of the most memorable (to me, at least!) improvised weapons in horror movies, I wanted to quickly outline what I consider an “improvised weapon” to be, so we’re on the same page:
First, it’s something that wouldn’t normally be used as a weapon. So, while noticing an available gun left on a tabletop behind your attacker may lead to some improvisational thinking/actions on your part as a Survivor in a horror movie-type situation, the gun itself isn’t an improvised weapon. Because it’s being used for its intended purpose.
Now, if you had to build a rocking chair and you grabbed ahold of a gun and used it as a hammer for the nails, I could say you — badly and ill-advisedly — improvised a carpentry tool (Side note: Please don’t ever do that). And, in the reverse, if you spontaneously used a hammer as a weapon, that would be an improvised weapon. Because that’s not what most hammers are intended for!

With me so far? Awesome.
The second rule I’ve implemented for what “counts” as “improvised weapons in horror movies” is this: It has to be an object the character in question thought to use as a weapon after they were thrust into whatever situation they’re in. It’s not something weird they brought to a situation ahead of time, fully intending to use it as a weapon from the get-go.
For example, Leatherface isn’t using a chainsaw for its intended purpose, but it’s how he always intended to use it – he isn’t improvising! And neither was Annie Wilkes in Misery with her sledgehammer; she was in full control of the situation and planned her actions! That’s right – I’m using both definitions of the word “improvised” for each entry on this list. (Otherwise it would be several hundred pages long and you and I would both be cranky by the end of it!).

All of the wacky weapons I’ve selected were utilized by the characters in question as spur-of-the-moment decisions… even if said characters end up holding onto their chosen weapon for a while (or a very long while) afterwards.
Now that we’re all on the same page, here are 10 memorable improvised weapons in horror movies, used by eight good guys and two baddies:
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1. Lawnmower in Dead Alive AKA Brain Dead (1992)

The lawnmower in Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive was the FIRST memorable improvised weapon from a horror movie that popped into my head. If you’ve seen Dead Alive, you know exactly what a standout scene the “mowing” zombies down with a power lawnmower is! Yes, even more than the infamous custard scene.
Zombie films are saturated with improvised weapons. To the point that, they’re so expected in zombie horror, it takes EXTRA effort to make one REALLY stand out — and Dead Alive succeeds and then some with the lawnmower scene.
Where to watch Dead Alive:
2. Candy Cane Decoration in Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)

Not only is Anna and the Apocalypse one of the best horror movie musicals, it’s one of the best Christmas horror movies! So much of the film’s visual style is directly linked to the holiday sweaters, pageantry, music, lights, and decorations. Its present in every scene.
So, while a lot of characters in Anna and the Apocalypse improvise weapons from baseball bats to wrenches (again, zombie movies are great for that!), the most memorable improvised weapon is the candy cane lawn decoration Anna ends up wielding.
And, boy, did the marketing team know it! Anna is holding her candy cane in nearly every poster and promotional photo available. And who can blame them? It’s visually perfect. It’s so fun!
Where to watch Anna and the Apocalypse:
3. Umbrella in Scream (1996)

Towards the end of Scream (1996), Sidney Prescott is having a breakdown in a hall closet (shown above), having just learned the identity of Ghostface! When we next catch up with her, she’s emerging from said closet, wielding an umbrella as a weapon — thrusting it into the chest of the killer, firmly cementing herself as a kickbutt Final Girl!
Part of the fun of the Scream franchise is figuring out who Ghostface is in each film, and that includes the first one. So, I’m not showing the actual (bright green!) umbrella doing the stabby-stab on the baddie-bad. However, I will share this: There was a mishap during that scene and the actor playing Ghostface actually did get injured by the umbrella! Ouch!!
Where to watch Scream:
4. Ballpoint Pen in Red Eye (2005)

This Frankenstein-topped ballpoint pen is so cute that you can’t help but notice it. A teenager on the title flight is using it to doodle with. It reminded me so much of one of my favorite pens from childhood!
When my parents and I saw Wes Craven’s Red Eye in theaters in 2005, there were audible gasps and a few cheers at what happened when this adorable pen became a much-needed weapon for the heroine.
Where to watch Red Eye:
5. Frying Pan in Friday the 13th (1980)

I’m attaching a photo of Friday the 13th‘s Alice using a serving fork and a baseball bat because the scene with her using the frying pan reveals a pretty big spoiler regarding the killer. But, as you can see, Alice is pretty good overall about grabbing whatever’s on hand to defend herself with!
I was just really charmed by the frying pan because I’ve always loved cartoons and whacking someone with a frying pan is such a classic ‘toon move!
Where to watch Friday the 13th:
6. Microwave in Gremlins (1984)

Not what a microwave is for. But very effective.
Where to watch Gremlins:
7. Jackhammer Stake & Holy Water Squirt Gun in From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

Minimal spoilers, but… From Dusk Till Dawn starts out as an action crime drama and then it’s revealed about halfway through that it’s actually a vampire movie. I know that’s something that’s revealed in the trailer, but I didn’t see the trailer before I watched it when I was young and I was SO surprised and delighted by that genre switch-up! I kinda didn’t want to share that info here in case anyone else wanted to go into it cold, but all the streaming services’ and DVD blurbs say it so that’s kind of an impossibility for new viewers at this point.
Mentioning holy water & stake-based weaponry probably gave away the “twist” as well.
I’ve shown the squirt gun filled with holy water above, but you can see the jackhammer stake in action in the trailer.
Where to watch From Dusk Till Dawn:
8. Chainsaw Hand in Evil Dead II (1987)

In Evil Dead II, Ash Williams chops off his demon possessed hand and replaces it with a chainsaw — an improvised weapon that became one of his defining character traits for over 35 years, spanning multiple films, video games, comic books, and a television show. This is the weapon I hinted at when I said one of the spur-of-the-moment weapons sticks with the character long after they first obtain it!
Many of the improvised weapons in horror movies that I’ve listed are things you and I could grab and use if we were put in a dangerous situation. This one? Not so much. Most of us couldn’t impulsively attach a chainsaw to our wrist stump, let alone use it to massive success. But most of us aren’t Ash Williams.
Hail to the King, Baby!
Where to watch Evil Dead II:
9. Corncob in Sleepwalkers (1992)

Mary, the evil werecat mom in Sleepwalkers, didn’t just happen to have a corncob with her. She overhears a police officer making a call to tattle on her murderous misdeeds, she notices the trash leftover from the homeowner’s dinner, she grabs a corncob, and she stabs him with it. Fatally.
Even if you never watch the rest of the movie, please watch that scene someday. It’s wonderfully, presumably unintentionally (since nothing else in the film is particularly played for laughs), hilaaaaaaaaaarious.
Where to watch Sleepwalkers:
10. Cheese Grater in Evil Dead Rise (2023)

Again, we have an improvised weapon that stood out SO much (and the marketing team was fully aware of how much impact it would have on audiences) that it’s on the poster. The cheese grater scene in Evil Dead Rise is one of those scenes that makes you go “gyaaaahhhhh” even though you’re an adult and fully aware it’s just special FX.
Where to watch Evil Dead Rise:
Bonus: ??? in Speak No Evil (2024) – NO SPOILERS, I PROMISE!

While in the midst of writing my article on improvised weapons in horror movies, my husband and I saw Speak No Evil (2024) in theaters. This post was on the forefront of my mind and I couldn’t help but notice all the improvised weapons being used! There were two in particular that stood out to me, but I won’t name them. The movie’s only been out for a week, for gosh sake! If I’m not spoiling movies from decades ago, I’m certainly not spoiling a movie that’s only a week old. Yeesh!
We both really liked it though. Well-done, very tense film! I have a feeling James McAvoy is going to end up on my ever-growing list of actors who were absolutely phenomenal in horror roles who got snubbed at the Oscars for his part in Speak No Evil, but who knows!
Where to watch Speak No Evil:
Which Improvised Weapons in Horror Movies Have Stood Out to YOU??
Do you agree with my list? Did something stand out to me that didn’t even make a blip on your radar? Is there something that stood out to you that you can’t believe I didn’t include??
Let me know in the comments!

Images were purchased via MovieStillsDB and CineMaterial.